Samstag, 20. August 2011
Whistler: Peak-to-Peak, Lost Lake Park and "Moguls"
Wednesday, Aug 17

Today I could sleep till 7 am. At about 8.15 am Claudie, the girl from Quebec, and I set off for Whistler. After a short break at the garage – as Claudie had an appointment there due to the car losing some transmission oil – we continued our about 1-hour-ride to Whistler. We arrived there about 10 am, Claudie dropping me at the tourist information centre.
Already during the journey i started to feel sick, by the way, stomachache annoying me from time to time. It this kind of state should remain all the long -.- …. , reducing the joy of the day a bit, but well... i cannot choose my state of health and didnt want the pain in my belly spoil my day in Whistler =P So it didnt prevent me to get a map from whistler and a ticket for the „Peak-to-Peak“. I went through Whistler Village to the first gondola, taking me up to Whistler mountain. I stayed there for a while, before taking the peak chair to the actual peak of Whistler mountain. It was an awesome view. Little houses and lakes, such as the Green Lake, spread in front of me =P
I went down to the last level again to have some kind of nap in the restaurant, including an area called „Christine's“ =D I needed some rest due to the continuening somachaches...
At last I got up to do the „Peak-to-Peak“, meaning that I took the gondola to the peak of Blackcomb Mountain. I wandered a little bit around there, enjoying the sight as good as possible... as the pain didnot stop compleately, i absoultely couldnt really go hiking... still the ride and the money for it were really worth it.
I decided to visit Blackcomb Adventure Area, offering lots of freetime activities, such as minigolf or any other attraction espacially for children. This Area was located in the Upper Village of Whistler. And as i really enjoyed the rides with the gondolas, i actually wanted to go back, using this kind of way. I couldnt, however. Once at the ground again, i couldnt use my ticket anymore... only i didnt now that before. In this way, I had the spontaneous idea to got to Lost Lake (Park). Despite the still-existing pains in my belly, i managed quite good to get there xD and in spite of the fact that Whistler is seen as one of the areas, being inhabitated by bears the most, i didnt see a single on xD they really seem to hide from me; perhaps just the wrong season. No idea. Hopefully i get to see some at last!
So, as i said, i went to Lost Lake, which was quite nice. I sat there for a while, eating some bits of fruits =) and went back again to Whistler Village, where i looked for a place to drink some tea... hoping to feel better afterwards. I chose a coffee house called „Moguls“. The two guys in there were absolutely kind and polite =D Till the rest of the evening I sat in there, drining my tea, listening to the music and dozing „half-sick“ on my chair. ^^ At about 10 pm Delaney picked me up from the nearby tourist info centre. I went finally to bed at 11, recovering from my sickness – the next day i actually felt loads better =D

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